cells in blore

a take on my friends blog! http://raghu1981.blogspot.com/

Well, if you actually look into the larger relm of life, you will see that cities that have the highest number of “cellphone thefts”, also have the highest floating population, low average age, and high levels of unemployment in the lower socio economic strat. now i am NOT pointing fingers here to say that they are doing it, or anything,all i am saying is that there are urges by people to go upto the level of comfort they see. i personally feel that the recent unrest in the city was a fitting example. the person who passed away was not a violent being. he advocated peace and in response, the rioting and damage caused not just to physical estabilshments, but the economy due to the closure of several insttitutions! appaling!
similarly, the university town of pune, the bastillion of shivaji, also one of the higest number of cellphone thefts. the best way to measure the cellphone theft rate is to measure the cell pohone sales rates.
cellphones are stolen, sold to first time phone users, the loosers go and buy legitimate phones.
just for them to get stolen again!
WELKOME.. to the moon!


Well, its rather interesting, someone i know has started a blog, and they have asked for people to contribute articles etc etc, now what is the concept of a blog. what ever was intended, rock on!
work is going on all great. i wsa told i dont keep in touch with people. kinda sad. we live in a world where there are no longer any boundaries, but just borders. we have people but few friends, we care enough not to bother.
what have we all become? electronice ZOMBIES!
when was the last time anyone picked up a paper and pen and wrote. that was the reason i guess i started this blog!
i remember when i used to write muy assignments, my fingers used to pain, but now my whole hand gets screwed, thats RSS i think or repetitive stress syndrom! the computer is killing us, mind body and soul!

Adventures of Qwerty

Well, so we have our little programmer hero dude, Querty. working in one of them swank office buildings, centralized airconditioning (thats is standard nowa adays), free coffee, highly subsidized lunches, etcetc, but then whats his problem?
Qwerty fails to comply with the social norms. apparently there is something called Social engagement rules( or something on those grounds) that state that apparently, when in a public place / social gathering, there are norms that one needs to adhere to. sometimes i feel that ridiculus. its just saying that our society is getting faker by the day. if i am happy inside, i have everything going just great for me, why must i project that to the world? i just keep a straignt (appears sulking to others) face. now i see no reason to smile when i am happy, frown when sad, scowl when scowly and fret when mad. it defets the purpose that man is a creature who is supposed to have contorol over his emotions. there was once this story i read, i dont remember where, that there was this great sage meditating in the himalayas. and he was so great that the gods also used to come to him. now one day whilst he was wlaking in the forest, a bird shat on him, the sage got so angry that he was about to curse the bird when he bit his tounge and held back. he asked himself the question, what is the point of being such a great sage is i cannot even have control over my most basic emotions.
society has tuned us in to being things that we are not. if a person is happy today and not so happy tomorow, what is that person : manic depressive.
sad sad: depressive
happy bappy throughout – manic

its rather ridiculs!
anywya,s c’et la vie!

Our Greatest Fear

I heard this in the movie “Coach Carter”, but it really had an impact on me!

Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our greatest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, “Who am I to be brilliant, talented, fabulous?”
Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.
Your playing small doesn’t serve the world.
There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that
other people won’t feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It’s not just in some of us, it’s in ALL of us.
As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give
other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others.”
— Marianne Williamson, also often attributed to Nelson Mandela or Maya Angelou


i am really confused!
i really dont know what is happening in my life! seriously!
i cant ask for anyting more.
great family life, great job, great friends…. i have everything anyone can ask for! but im not happy. why? so many times i have tried to ask myself the same question! why am i not happy? what is that one butt plug that is making me look to life with a constipated look? i guess i am trying really hard to be happy. i know i can be happy, cause on the weekends, i am fucking extatic! packing my weekends with things, i cant ask for anyting else, but longer weekends! 🙂 i guess this would just become another rutt in the rat race! coming to work, doing some work, going bakc home! now thats a wheel of work!
i have sat and raked my brains! and have finlly concured! my job sux! really, the job profile and work is great! amazing to be precise! but i feel rather lost in my current company.
i am a pin in a haystack, going to be eaten by a cow! now hows that for the pin! considering if i dont do anytting, i am going to land up in shit! now that i feel is a career path!
i guess i have a yearning to start something! i think i will decide by this weekend if i will be continuing with this job or not!
well, lets see!
thats all i can say for now!

an Irish toast

John O’Reilly hoisted his beer and said, “Here’s to spending the rest of me life, between the legs of me wife!”

That won him the top prize at the pub for the best toast of the night!

He went home and told his wife, Mary, “I won the prize for the Best toast of the night”

She said, “Aye, did ye now. And what was your toast?”

John said, “Here’s to spending the rest of me life, sitting in church beside me wife.”

“Oh, that is very nice indeed, John!” Mary said.

The next day, Mary ran into one of John’s drinking buddies on the street corner. The man chuckled leeringly and said, “John won the prize the other night at the pub with a toast about you, Mary.”

She said, “Aye, he told me, and I was a bit surprised myself. You know, he’s only been there twice in the last four years. Once he fell asleep, and the other time I had to pull him by the ears to make him come.”


Mirrors are liers.
they lie about everything. they tell you that you are good looking, they tell you that you are thin, they tell you what youwant to see, exactly like their commarades, the weighing machines. They lie as well, in this case however, they tell you that you ARE fat, and you really NEED to loose weight!
anyways, why this sudden take off on the mirror. this morning i had my moment of truth. the grim tragic truth. from about 10 feet from the mirror, i look dashingly handsome and well muscluared, however, on “closer” inspection, i look like a blob of fat. anywyas, the fat is so well “blobbed” that my stomach and chest looks exactly like homer simpsons face, now THAT is tragic. my gym has an over abundance of glass all over and which ever direction i look, i see a handsome me! now, that does make me feel good to a certain extent, as long as i am far away, but the closer i get, the uglier i get! so, the solution to the “problem”, light travels faster and further. so stay far away. another intresting phenomenon, men gossip as much, if not more than women. god, its brutal, if there is a bunch of guys around, yak yak yak yak…. about anyihng under the sun. this i noticed during my work out sessions. everything from corruption to film news, to peoples lives to the quality of the weights. i mean for crying out loud, a weight HAS to be, a) heavy, b) heavy and c) heavy. what more can you discuss about a cast iron blob of metal? well, evidently, there IS a lot that can be discussed! 🙂
lessons of life!


well, the devious marketeers mind can think of any hook to catch the gulliable fish( Read:Customer) to try the goods. in this case, my devious mind thinks of the seven sins, and well, since you have reached till this line, i can assume my strategy has work. sadly, this has nothing to do with any of the seven sins, but more like the 8th sin. Being an irate bus driver.
i must tell you at this point of the kind gentleman, who’s service to my company is his unique skill of driving a 40ft piece of metal like a 6ft rover mini. the best part is that he not only lives an illusion that the piece of metal, that is a 20tonne bus, is as small as a car, but also that he is driving a rally in traffic.
he achieves break neck speeds, (that is by breaking the innocent bystanders necks) by some craxzy ass rash driving, but also with his Horn. (now you know the story of the title)

I will call him the Arnold Schwarzenegger of horns.
He has a horn for every occassion and every situation.
But why Arnold Schwarzenegger? simply because in the Movie commando, he has a gun for every occasion.

Here is an MP5, ideal for cleaning teeth, combing hair and blowing off the earlobes of a person within a 70ft range.
Next on the shelf is a baretta 0.45, ideal for combating road rage, silincing irratating critters and mugging someone.

anyways, my gentleman bus driver, has a horn for every body. His body, her body, dead body, everybody!

First, the high pitched Air horn, for close combat: If its a 2 wheeler, or a bus within a 10 ft range. The range here is from my bus’s front bumper to the driver of the condemed vehicle. consistent blowing gives everyone such a headache that they have to pull over to buy an asprin. the day it was fitted, i could swear that the driver wore a wicked smile seeing other drivers veer off near pharmacys. i on the other hand sitting right behind this maniac almost threw up due to the consistant badgering.

Next, the regular horn. tuned to the note C on a keyboard, however far far less pleasant, this is used as the standard equipment horn. red light turns to green, PHWEEEEE! Green light turns to red! PHWEEEEE!( Now, this is only if he bother to stop, i did however wonder why did he do that, was he displaying his displeausre at the signal, well, these are one of those GAKs, or God Alone Knows)

Incase there is a vehicle who is refusing to move from his path, there is the multi note horn, i suspect its tuned to C and A, does break across wavelenghts. The amplitude is also rather large as this is BLOODY loud. so, if he begings to loose his cool, in comes the MP5 of horns.

Now the mother of all horns, The OICW of horns ( Objective Individual Combat Weapon for the un initiated, it was a special weapons program by HK), the THREE tone horn, this is once he HAs lost his cool. now i would much rather not be around when he does blow it, and defninlty not in Front of the bloody bus, but this is saved for those rare occasions of Lboard dirives, and imcompetent nincompops. !

anyways, i am sure from past history our gentleman has a hidden stash of horns like grenades. he keeps replenshing his arsenal every now and then.
well, god do help those who cross his path, and refuse to give way, even if there is NO way to move, just move!