was driving home last evening, and the skies did a little dance. i was at the right place at the right time- i captured this dance.
Author: madan
Its now the turn of Twitter!
A new spammed malware attack is impersonating messages from micro-blogging site Twitter.
Researchers at Symantec said that the attack poses as an invitation to join Twitter with the message: ‘Your friend has invited you to Twitter.’ The message also contains images of the Twitter logo and front pages.
Rather than send the user to Twitter by way of a URL, however, the message asks the user to open an attachment under the name ‘InvitationCard.zip’. On launching the attached file, the user is infected with a malicious worm that attempts to send out mass email messages.
Users are advised not to open the invitation attachments or any other unsolicited or suspicious email attachments.
“As Twitter continues to gain popularity among social networking users, people are regularly receiving invitations and email updates from fellow users, ” wrote Symantec researcher Sammy Chu in a blog post.
“We expect that spammers will continue to use Twitter and other popular social networks as bait in their attacks.”
The practice of disguising malware as email attachments and greeting cards is not new. Attacks such as the infamous Storm worm were routinely spread under the guise of greeting card attachments.
Attacks targeting Twitter have also become more common in recent months as the site has seen its popularity soar. Attacks have ranged from account-stealing hacking attempts to cross-site scripting attacks and malware distribution attacks.
source: http://www.vnunet.com/vnunet/news/2244458/malware-threat-targets-twitter
Facebook Worm!
A general word of caution to all facebook users- considering its one of the most popular social networking sites, i guess is a general caution to all.
There are several worms doing the rounds on facebook – the most recent of them being the koobface.
the modus operandi is the same- send a link through a message, considering its coming from a friend, you tend to visit it, after that it downloads a trojan onto the system. Now the scary part is that its using the macromedia / activex route to run this exploit.
its asking for the update, its downloading a worm onto the system, and then when you visit facebook the next time, it gets your username / password and replicates itself. from the facebook account. It has appeared to have been more complext through a greater level of automation than before. So next time a message comes from a friend, please check the message before visitng the site.
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The game that is Gravity
i came across this game on the internet- flash based, however, terribly addictive. I am not trying to score top points, but jus trying to complete each level.
you have to move the ball to pick up all the magic balls on the way. you need to draw shapes with the mouse to move the ball- all using the laws of physics. So, use levers, weights, inclines etc and move it…
try it- its addictive!
Apple site hacked!!!
pretty excited with my finding – the apple site http://www.apple.com/asia/buy/locator/svcindex.html if you select a country and then click serach – it takes you to
thats a comprimize or a REALLY bad upgrade job- like forgetting to remove the gauze from a patient during an operation.
Love affairs with Horns!
Something must really be done to those jokers who cheating on their wives, girlfriends and boyfriends with the horn. Its so weird, and i dont think i will ever get the reason people are so anxious to blo0w the horn. there will be nothing in front of them, yet blow the horn.
thats why i believe we need to start a de-addiction center to help those who have the following:
1. fetish for blowing horns on empty roads
2. hornblowingholic
3. someone who is cheating on their partnr – with the horn – using every opportunity to touch, feel, caress and press the damn horn!
there should be something which makes people reaslise that blowing the horn will not get it done faster, but just make you more irratated. I think the order of the day is to install horns INSIDE cars. so if someone uses it in excess, they cut down automatically, since the noise is now inside as well! 🙂
Legend that is Yuyutsu
A friend of mine and his wife are expecting their first child, when asked what is the name on his mind – the name Yuyutsu came up. At first – I thought it was an african name, with the Us and Ys… but then on further research, I was uniquely surprised that its an Indian name and more importantly from the Mahabharatha.
I read the great indian epic a few months ago and, to say the least, have been quite inspired by it. Indraprashtra – the home for the gods was also the kingdom of the Pandavas after they lost everything- a symbol of what can be built even with nothing – now thats inspiration. It towered over the landscapes and contained all the comforts that adorned a king, however, the land was barren before the pandavas were given the place.
coming to Yuyutsu – i starting doing some research and found him to be quite a character. He was the 101st kaurava but was born to Dhritrashtra by a Maid servant who was waiting on him. He was one of the 11 athirathi or one who is capable of killing 10,000 warriors at a time.
He was righteous to the point he stood up against Dhuryodhana’s actions – against dhraupadi and the pandavas and was thus the last and only survivor of the Kurkshetra war simply because he joined the side of the Pandavas.
when the pandavas finally passed over – Yudhishthir handed over Indraprashtra to Yuyutsu.
What a story!
sourced from all over the internet.
Techie Awards
one must realise with evolving times, the awards and prizes must also evolve. So when you have a bunch of nerds, you obviously want to give them something they like- for instance a limited edition Star Wars Lightsaver! 🙂 (this is inspiration from Big Bang Theory)
I recently came across a rather interesting set of prizes.
The Prizes
The prizes are sponsored by Microsoft India. The winner gets to choose any one prize from the following:
2 Year Flickr Pro Account
50 WordPress.com Premium Credits
2 Premium WordPress Themes
1 .com domain of your choice, valid for 5 years
1 .in domain of your choice, valid for 3 years
1 Premium RapidShare account, valid for 6 month
How Cool is that! Now I’m inspired to compete!
Breaking traffic rules
Its frustrating when you see drivers blatantly breaking all the road rules, just to make their life easier. This morning, I noticed a large innova with the number TN 04 P 9995 – yes, i am publishing the number here, with the sincere hope that someone reads this and tells the owner- coming out and turning onto the wrong side of the road, and driving a good 100 mts. What more annoying is that this guy does it EVERY day, and sometimes much longer distances.
I know the apartment, but i dont know if i should stop him and tell him to go the other way. 🙁 I just had to get it out of my system… so here is the post.
remember the number is TN 09 P 9995- If you see it – tell the driver to respect road rules and drive properly!