Worlds longest Flight

No- it is not from Sydney to London at 18hours.

It is 64 Days, 22 Hrs, 19mins and 5 seconds.

Image result for hacienda 172That is over two months in a Cessna 172, flying twenty four hours a day, without even landing for fuel. That’s exactly what two pilots did back in 1958 in the California and Nevada desert. Bob Timm and John Cook set a world endurance record, remaining airborne for just under 65 days. It was a publicity flight, sponsored by the Hacienda Hotel in Las Vegas.

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A stock Cessna 172 was purchased, then modified for the flight. Although the Continental engine was basically untouched, two oil systems, filters, and a 95 gallon fuel tank were installed. The oil could be changed and the plane refueled without shutting down the engine. Except for the pilot seat, the interior was gutted, then re-done to include a mattress and a sink.

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The right side door was collapsible, providing access to the exterior and enabling the co-pilot to operate a winch for bringing supplies aboard from below. Re-fueling and re-supplying the airplane were the tricky parts. Twice daily, the plane was flown just above a speeding truck from which a hose was hoisted up to pump 95 gallons of avgas into the belly tank. Food, water and Other supplies were lifted up from the truck as well.Image result for hacienda 172

The Cessna 172 was sold to a Canadian pilot, but was eventually brought back to Nevada, where it now hangs from the ceiling at McCarran International Airport.

The entire story of this flight, and the record which stands to this day, is available to read at the Howard W. Cannon Aviation Museum at McCarran Airport in Las Vegas.

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