Right now- on Top of the World- all you got to do is Jump!

Yesterday, Eddie Van Halen Passed after an unsuccessful fight with Cancer. He was 65.  It’s 2020! enough said!

I was introduced to his music in 1996, by my brother, back in India. It was fitting that the first song I heard was Right Now.

After that I heard the entire string of hits including Jump & top of the world.

The introduction to “God Level” guitaring in Eruptions propelled him to the top of my book in terms of best guitarists and I actually introduced my 5 year old son to Van Halen to have him now almost daily say “Hey Google, Play van halens jump”.

In a fitting tribute, last night, when my son asked for “relaxing music” instead of Jazz by coltrane, he wanted Jump!

Rest in peace Eddie! Thank you for introducing me to Rock!

#Thoughts about life

We are all searching for something. What particular thing varies from person to person. It is to satiate a need, a want or a desire. The search is what gives us meaning, meaning to our existence, meaning to our waking up each morning, and saying “today is going to be a good day” or “today is going to be a horrible day”. This search leads us to the far corners of the world, up the highest mountains, down the deepest oceans, and to the extreme of climates.
What is your search comprising of? As you evolve over time, a lot of things are either clearer to you, or make less sense as it already made little sense earlier and it is what makes one sit up and thing about what you are doing and what you are going through.

When you go through life, you tend to think that you have experienced life, be it multi cultural exposure or be it multinational exposure. What we are is forged by what we want to be. What we want to be is forged by our ideals. The search what we undertake is a search that never ends. So does that mean we can never define who we really are?

When you believe that you have found something, nature’s course is that you realize that something else is missing or is incomplete, so you start a search for that iteam or feeling. First it is love, then money, then power, then happiness then health. Imagine it to be like a large shopping cart, and the more we pile up, the more difficult it will be to navigate the aisle of life. When we need to turn through and complete everything before we become old, we end up rushing through a lot of memories, experiences and situations that allow us to look back in life and sya “what if?”

The “what if” scenario is something that haunts us all, and thus it raises another quest – a search for the “what if” equivalent to the past experience.
In our quest to discover, we tend to be overwhelmed with feelings and desires, however, these are all obstacles in our quest. These are placed in our paths for a reason. For experience. As they say, god does not give us what we want, however, god gives us the opportunity to bring out that quality. Similarly, as we go about living life, we tend to gain experience. This experience is what is put together to make us better individuals in life. We need to constantly learn from these expriences to allow us to make better judgements, and take better decisions in life.

Bovine intervention – the year 2008

The year 2008 started on a rather sober note for me and my wife. our first new years as a married couple.. we went to bed at a glorious 11pm… so much for an exciting life!

As a new years resolution, i decided to very consciously cut down my non vegetarian intake – that included a multitude of critters (avian and mammal! 🙂 )

it worked quite well for a long time, then i substituted my meat intake with other fatty foods and reduced it quite a bit.

Jan 2008- my first time as a track official at the JK Tyre national racing championships 2008.

February 2008 – i moved team in my company. It was a sad move – i really enjoyed my old team, the kind of work and the learnings. However, the new team had its own challenges and most importantly it was a different learning.

June – finally bought my cycle! 🙂 yes! the trek 4300D.. i was lusting over it for a long time, and finally dcided to take the plunge and buy it. so that was and is the BIGGEST purchase for the year! however, the bike is worth every bit of the $560 odd i paid for it. Its such a pleasure to ride and miles get chomped off. I guess from the date of purchase till date – i have done over 1000kms (guestimate)

July4th – I cycled to work for the first time on a working day. I usually attempted the ride on a satuarday or a holiday.. it was nice .. and different. ever since then, i decided to start peddling to work every friday (we got to wear jeans on those days)

July 31st – my last day at Cognizant. As much as it was a different life, I did not think i would miss it. Yes, I did and do miss the comfort and safety net of a regular paying job. I finally was taking the plunge that i had always dreamed of doing. Starting up. I guess I must thank (at this point) all my friends, well wishers and managers at Cognizant who taught me a lot.

August 1st – Launch of Virtu Technologies ! Wow!

October 2008 – we finally get our accountant to do our billing – and guess what- we ARE profitable from the start. quite a nice feeling – being a scrooge helps!

november 2008 – still profitable .. sizeable client roster. lot of work keeping us busy.

December 2008 – our 3rd employee comes on board. nice feeling.

December 31st 2035 hrs – my first blog about the past year! 🙂

Lets see what 2009 holds.